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2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
New Orleans, LA, USA
June 5-8, 2011

IEEE CEC’2011 Workshop on Agent-Based Computational Economics and Finance

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Call for papers

Agent-based Computational Economics and Finance (ACE) is the computational study of economies modeled as evolving systems of autonomous interacting agents. The development of ACE during the last two decades marked an important paradigm shift from the representative, rational agent approach towards a behavioral, agent-based approach. Under this new paradigm, the economic system is viewed as a complex adaptive system, whose aggregate dynamics is the result of decentralized interactions among boundedly rational and heterogeneous agents using rule-of-thumb strategies that co-evolve over time through learning. The inductive analysis of the macro regularities emerging from the micro-interactions is increasingly becoming a valuable alternative to the traditional methodology based on the deductive analysis of mathematical models. The ACE basic concern is both descriptive, focusing on the constructive explanation of emergent global behavior, and normative, focusing on mechanism design.

In recent years substantial advances in modeling tools allowed researchers to model a wide variety of complex social, economic and financial phenomena, such as inductive learning, endogenous network formation and the open-ended co-evolution of individual behaviors and economic institutions. Parallelly, the number of issues being addressed by these researchers is rapidly expanding: applications of the ACE methodology range from modeling agent behavior in the stock market and supply chains to understanding consumer purchasing behavior, from understanding the fall of ancient civilizations to modeling the engagement of forces on the battlefield or at sea, and many others.

Workshop content and structure

This half-day workshop, organized by the Computational Finance and Economics TC, gives participants the opportunity to present work in any stage of development in order to get feedback and discuss ideas and topics, bringing together researchers and practitioners (both presenter and non-presenter) from diverse fields, such as computer science, economics, finance, physics, sociology, psychology, and complex theory. Topics include (but are not limited to): Agent-based Computational Economics, Agent-based Computational Finance, Automated Markets and Trading Agents, Design of Economic Systems, Emergence and Complexity, Emergence and Dynamics of Norms and Conventions Financial Market and Organization Models, Epistemology and Agent-Based Methodological Issues, Network and Social Dynamics.

Important Dates

Early submission date:   April 8
Early acceptances:   April 12
CEC early registration deadline:   April 15
Final submission date:   May 15
Acceptances:   May 22
Workshop date:   June 5

Submission instructions

Those who are interested in participating to this workshop, please submit a two-page extended abstract or a full paper to Dr. Umberto Gostoli at The early submission date is recommended so that authors can take advantage of the CEC early registration rates. Submissions should use the CEC paper templates.

Publication information

There is a plan for the conference proceedings either in the format of a book volume or a special issue of journal.

Organizing committee

Dr. Umberto Gostoli (Chair), AI-Econ Research Center, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (
Prof. Shu-Heng Chen (Co-Chair), AI-Econ Research Center, National Chengchi University, Taiwan (