Herbert Simon 講座系列第21

Lecture #21


Computational Social Science



一、計算社會科學簡介 Introduction to Computational Social Science:

「計算社會科學 」又稱「社會模擬」(Social Simulation),也被稱為「代理人基社會科學」(Agent-based Social science),乃應用電腦模型來探究社會複雜系統的跨領域科學,其所橫跨的學門,至今已包括了經濟學、政治學、社會學、人類學、考古學、地理 學、心理學、資訊科學、物理學等等。

SSCI的資料庫顯示,從1997年至2009年中,共有1051篇論文與代理人基社會模擬有關,論文數成長了約38倍,而引用次數則從0 1700 (Chen et al. 2011) 由此可見社會模擬在國際上的快速成長。因此,我們特別邀請到美國George Mason 大學計算社會科學學系的創始人,Claudio Cioffi-Revilla 教授赴台,與台灣學界共同討論這個類似於Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) 所稱的「逆推法」,或是被 Robert Axelrod (1997) 稱為是歸納法和演繹法之外的第三類新興科學方法。

我們竭誠歡迎您來共襄 盛舉,為方便我們統計人數,敬請emailaiecon.center@gmail.com,留下您的姓名、服務 單位或就讀校系,並註明欲參與的場次。

Computational Social Science, also known as Social Simulation or Agent-based Social Science, is an interdisciplinary science of complex social systems and their investigation through computational modeling and related techniques. Its field has spanned archeology, geography, sociology, anthropology, economics, political science, physics, psychology, etc.  

Information from Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) database shows that a total of 1,051 papers in agent-based modeling (ABM) were published during 1997-2009, which represents a 38 times increase in the quantity during that period. The data also shows that the annual citations of the published papers in ABM increased from 0 to 1,700 during the same period (Chen, Yang and Yu 2011). The above encouraging figures suggest the rapid and prosperous growth of social simulation in the world.  With this trend in mind, we proudly invite Prof. Claudio Cioffi-Rivella, founding and current Director of the Mason Center for Social Complexity at George Mason University, to give speeches on this newly emerged discipline, which is very much similar to what Charles Peirce (1839-1914) called abduction (Peirce, 1997) and referred to as the third approach of doing science, differing from both the deduction and induction approaches (Axelrod 1997). 

We welcome your presence.  Please email to aiecon.center@gmail.com with your name, institution, and the sessions you are interested in.

二、議程Program Schedule:

時間 Time

講者 Speaker

地點 Place

5/10/ 2011, 14:00 – 16:00

Prof. Claudio Cioffi- Revilla



Room 271338, 13F, General Building South, National Chengchi University

5/11/2011, 14:00 – 16:00

Prof. Claudio Cioffi- Revilla



Department of Industrial Economics, Tamkang University (Room B302A, 3F, Business and Management Building)

5/13/2011, 14:00 – 16:00

Prof. Claudio Cioffi- Revilla



Conference room H122, Department of Economics, Tunghai University

三、講者簡介 About  Prof. Claudio Cioffi- Revilla

      Claudio Cioffi-Revilla 教授是美國 George Mason University 計算社會科學學系(Department of Computational Social Science)的創始人,本身為數學及政治學訓練出身,在國際上,則因其在「計算社會科學」這個新的跨領域學門的傑出貢獻而廣為人知。 Cioffi-Revilla 教授所主導的計算社會科學學系更是世界上第一個正式授予計算社會科學博士學位的跨領域系所,而該系對來自各個領域的學生之課程訓練,更是其他計算社會科學研究 機構難以企及的。因此,在每屆社會模擬世界大會(World Congress on Social Simulation, WCSS)中都可不斷看到George Mason 所培育的新血投入這個跨領域的研究之中。

    除人才培育外,Cioffi-Revilla教授本身的研究成果亦相當的豐碩,其主要研究領域為「衝突」、「國際關係」、及「社會複雜性」。 因其在跨領域社會研究上的突破性價值,Cioffi-Revilla 教授陸續受到美國國科會(NSF)、美國國防先進研究計畫局(DARPA)、北大西洋公約組織(NATO)、美國海軍研究院(ONR)、以及數個歐洲研究 機構之贊助。在學術發表上,Claudio Cioffi-Revilla 教授共計有四本專書已問世,並發表了超過五十篇的研究論文或專書章節。   

    此次 Claudio Cioffi-Revilla 教授乃藉由國科會「補助學者提昇國際影響力方案」前來台灣,主要目的在推廣計算社會科學的研究,與國內研究學者分享該校跨領域研究人才之培育與課程設計,並希望邀集國內社會科 學學者共同參 2012年將在台灣主辦的第四屆社會模擬世界大會(WCSS 2012, 詳情請見http://www.aiecon.org/conference/wcss2012/index.htm)。

Claudio Cioffi-Revilla is the Professor of Computational Social Science (CSS) and founding Chair of the Department of Computational Social Science.  He holds two doctoral degrees in Political Science and International Relations. He is well known in CSS. In 2002 he designed and initiated the Mason Ph.D. program in CSS, the first program in the world with this specific focus, famous for providing comprehensive training to its students coming from different disciplines.  In the previous conferences of World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS), many presentations were the contributions and researches conducted by scholars graduated from the Mason Ph.D. program.

    Professor Cioffi’s research on conflict, international relations, and social complexity has been funded by DARPA, NSF, ONR, NATO, and European research agencies. He has published four books and over fifty peer-reviewed publications on conflict analysis and quantitative/computational social science.

       The theme of Prof. Cioffi’s speeches in Herbert Simon Lecture #21 is to promote social simulation and WCSS2012, which will be held next year in Taiwan. He will also share with the audience his experiences in the CSS curriculum design and PhD training.

四、摘要 Abstracts:

Lecture I: TTBD

Lecture II:  TBD

Lecture III: TBD

     五、參考文獻 Reference

1.             Peirce, C. S. (1997), Pragmatism as a Principle and Method of Right Thinking. In Patricia Ann Turrisi(ed.), The 1903 Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY.

2.             AXELROD R. (1997), The Complexity of Cooperation. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

3.             Chen S.-H, Yang Y.-H, and Yu W.-J (2011), A Bibliometric Study of Agent-Based Modeling Literature on the SSCI Database. In Chen S.-H, Terano T., Yamamoto R. (eds.), Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems VI, Agent-Based Social Systems, Volume 8, Part VI, Springer, Tokyo, 189-198.


立政治大學經濟系(Economics Department, National Chengchi University)

人工智慧經濟學研究中 心(AI-Econ Research Center)

東海大學經濟學系(Department of Economics, Tunghai University)

淡江大學產經系(Department of Industrial Economics, Tamkang University)

協辦單位 Co-sponsor

國家科學委員會 (National Science Council)