Herbert Simon講座系列#22
Experimental Economics & Experimental Philosophy



時間:3/3/2012 (Sat.) 14:00 – 16:00


講者:日本京都產業大學實驗經濟學家Prof. Sobei Hidenori Oda

講題:The Knobe effect and the fair redistribution of income: An experimental economics approach to experimental philosophy

  自實驗與行為經濟學大師Vernon Smith 及Daniel Kahneman於2002獲頒諾貝爾經濟學獎之後,行為經濟學和實驗經濟學便逐漸地提升其在經濟學領域中的份量與地位,無論是實驗經濟學與心理學的合作抑或是實驗經濟學與代理人基模擬的結合都足見實驗經濟學發展之豐富性與重要性。相對於上述直觀受試者決策的研究,Prof. Oda教授於Herbert Simon講座系列將與大家分享由實驗經濟學的角度來探討實驗哲學,從哲學思維的角度出發更深入地探討人們在一個行為有無意圖的判斷上的不對稱。

  Joshua Knobe在2006做了一個實驗,將一群人隨機分成兩組,A組拿到的問題是:某公司副總裁報告總裁說:有個開發案會賺錢,同時也會破壞生態,總裁說:我不在乎它是否破壞生態,我只想賺錢。於是總裁指示執行此開發案,果然破壞了生態。A組的人被問到:請問該總裁是否有心破壞生態?結果有82%的人說「是」。B組拿到的是相同的問題,但「破壞」兩個字被改成「幫助」,B組的人被問的問題是:請問該總裁是否有心破壞生態?結果有77%的人說「不是」。事實上,不管是「幫助生態」還是「破壞生態」都不在總裁行為的效用函數裡,他既非有心幫助生態亦非有心破壞生態,生態的改變只能算是總裁決策的「副作用」。然而,實驗結果顯示,同樣是無心,但人們卻傾向遣責負面效果多過讚美正面效果,此現象被稱為Knobe effect。Prof. Oda 將從經濟和哲學的角度來探討Knobe effect 和所得重分配的問題。


  This paper describes how people think about decisions that affect the decision maker's and another person's income, from the viewpoints of the decision maker and a non-interested third party. By introducing a Keynesian beauty contest among subjects into Utikal and Fischbacher's economic experiment (2009), this study formulates Knobe's philosophical experiment (2003) in proper terms of experimental economics. One nding of this study is that given the privilege to redistribution income between the decision maker and the side-effect receiver, most subjects avoided a redistribution that would reverse the person who would get a greater income or increase difference of income between the two persons.
  This tendency, which we call inequality-reversing and inequality-widening aversion suggests people's respect for vested rights and adaptive redistribution to equality. In addition, our experimental results suggest that people believe that they have stronger inequality- reversing and inequality-widening aversion than they actually do. From the methodological standpoint, this study attempts to transform a philosophical experiment into an economic experiment to reveal the subjects' pro t-seeking behaviour and their ethical judgment on it.

國 立政治大學經濟系(Economics Department, National Chengchi University)
人工智慧經濟學研究中心(AI-Econ Research Center)

協辦單位 Co-sponsor:
國家科學委員會 (National Science Council)