Herbert Simon講座系列#27

Towards reproducible computational social science




Allan Lee

Arizona State University, USA


Allen Lee has been leading the development of cyber infrastructure services for computational social science at Arizona State University since 2006 for CoMSES Net (http://www.comses.net), the Digital Archaeological Record (https://www.tdar.org), and the Virtual Commons (https://vcweb.asu.edu). He graduated from Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.


議程Program Schedule:






March 14, 2016


18:00 – 21:00


Allan Lee


Towards reproducible computational social science

NCCU General Building of Colleges (South), Room 271034 政大綜合院館南棟10271034


主辦單位Sponsor:國立政治大學 經濟系(Economics Department, National Chengchi University), AI-ECON Research Center


摘要 Abstract:
Time: 18:00 – 21:00, March 14, 2016.


We are entering an era where we can analyze data and conduct computational social science experiments and analyses at unprecedented scale (e.g., Facebook's 2012 voting experiment). There is a growing body of research in the academic and non-profit spheres interested in developing solutions for wicked collective action problems like climate change and other sustainability initiatives (oPower, eEcosphere, Tendril, the Ocean Conservancy, etc.) by applying computational tools and analyses on the digital traces we leave and conducting social science experiments that for example examine how behavioral change spreads across networks under different information contexts or use computational modeling to explore potential scenarios for complex systems. Although these are exciting times for computational social science, we must also remember to build reproducible computational tools so that we can continue to facilitate the cornerstone of science, building on each other's work. Software is a fast-moving field, and the data analyses, experiment software, and other digital tools we use to conduct this research should be archived in ways that facilitate repeatability, reproducibility, and rigor. I will discuss several initiatives that we are leading at ASU's Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity and Center for Behavior, Institutions, and the Environment targeted at these very issues. 


Lecture Notes