Keynote Speakers
Damian Schofield, the State University of New York (SUNY)
Title: The Psychology of Images: The Complex Relationship Between Digital Humanities and Visual Culture

Damian Schofield is Director of Human Computer Interaction (Full Professor) at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego, Adjunct Associate Professor of Forensic Computing at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, and Director of Aims Solutions Ltd., a UK based company created in 2000. He has been involved in research examining the use of digital evidence in courtrooms, particularly virtual reconstructions (using computer games/graphics technology), for many years. He is specifically interested in the representation and understanding of visual evidentiary information in the courtroom environment. Much of his academic research in the forensic area has concentrated on the investigation of the prejudicial effect of digital evidence, validation and verification procedures, admissibility of digital evidence and the mathematical uncertainty concerned with digital evidence. He is recognized internationally as a leading academic in this field. He is regularly used as an expert witness in courts all over the world and has worked on many high-profile cases - he has been involved in forensic casework in the UK, Europe, Australia, USA, India and Malaysia. This work has covered a wide range of forensic visualization from computational fluid dynamics models to blood spatter patterns at crime scenes, from road traffic accident reconstruction to post-mortem pathology visualization. A few years ago, he was responsible for the facial reconstruction of an Egyptian mummy for a documentary called Nefertiti Resurrected shown on the Discovery Channel.
Siew Ann Cheong, Nanyang Technological University
Title: Towards Computational History: Databases and Agent-Based Simulations

Siew Ann Cheong is Associate Professor at Division of Physics & Applied Physics, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, Nanyang Technological University. His main research interest lies in the dynamics of complex systems with many degrees of freedom from, both modeling and data perspectives. His goal is to develop a computational theory of complex systems to understand how their evolutionary processes, which are geared towards their information processing, shape the complex network topologies and dynamics of complex systems. He is also interested in developing novel algorithms for simulations of large classical and quantum systems. In particular, he has been developing stochastic boundary conditions for molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. In addition, he is interested in developing computational tools that would help compare data against phenomenological theories that do not admit closed-form solutions.
Ted Huang, Yang Braxter Co.
Title:Digital Humanities with Unison Pervasive Computing, Solving the Complex B(the Unbankable Billions): The Look of Past, Present, and Future