- Field
- Agent-Based
- Topic
- Agent-Based Games and Culture (代理人及賽局)
- Application
- Can Game(s) Theory Explain Culture? The Emergence of Cultural Behavior
within Multiple Games,
SFI Working Papers
Abstract: The hallmarks of
"cultural behavior" are consistency within and across individuals, variance between populations, behavioral stickiness, and suboptimal performance. In this paper, we build a formal framework within which we can derive each of these five behavioral attributes. Our framework rests on two primary assumptions: (i) agents play ensembles of games, not just single games as is traditionally the case in evolutionary game theory models and (ii) agents have finite cognitive capacity. Our analysis combines agent-based techniques and mathematics. The former enable us to explore dynamics and the latter allow us to prove when the behaviors produced by the agents are equilibria. Our results provide game theoretic foundations for cultural diversity and agent-based upport for how cultural behavior might emerge.
- Introduction
- Founder
Contributed by
Carlos Gershenson
- Founding Year
- 2004
- Related Link1
- SFI Working Paper Abstract
- Field
- Computational Intelligence
- Topic
- Genetic Fuzzy System
- Application
- The significance of this direction is well documented in the CFP of the first international workshop of genetic fuzzy system as follows.
After almost forty years of development, fuzzy systems have demonstrated their superb ability to solve different problems arising in various application domains. In the last few years, there has been a rapidly growing interest to augment fuzzy systems with learning and adaptation capabilities. Since the first pioneer works dated back to 1991, one of the most successful approaches to hybridize fuzzy systems with learning and adaptation methods has resulted in so-called genetic fuzzy systems. These soft computing techniques augment the approximate reasoning method of fuzzy systems with the learning capabilities of evolutionary algorithms.(http://sci2s.ugr.es/gfs2005/)
A book which we can recommended at this point is:
Cordon, O., F. Herrera, F. Hoffmann, and L. Magdalena (2001), Genetic Fuzzy Systems: Evolutionary Tuning and Learning of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases, World Scientific.
The center had organized a study group to read a large portion of the book, and give a series of presentations based on that. There is a VCD materials available for those who want to share with our discussion. The VCD serial number is....
- Introduction
- Founder
- Founding Year
- 1991
- Field
- Complexity and Ethnography
- Topic
- Complexity and Ethnography(複雜與民族學)
- Application
- We Have Met The Other And We are All Nonlinear: Ethnography As A Nonlinear Dynamic System, Complexity Excerpt: Just as complexity changes notions of what "science" is, ethnography offers an alternative model for "social science." Particularly striking for ethnography is the family resemblance between its social research tradition and complex adaptive systems. In fact, if ethnography is seen as a CAS, several key issues appear in a new light. In this article, ethnographic research is looked at in terms of its algorithmic complexity, its sensitivity to initial conditions, the presence of an ethnographic agent, the fractal structure of method and results, and the problem of representation.
- Introduction
- Source: We Have Met The Other And We are All Nonlinear: Ethnography As A Nonlinear Dynamic System,
M. Agar - magaranth.umd.edu, DOI:10.1002/cplx.20054, Complexity, Nov.-Dec. 2004, Online 2004/12/21
- Founder
- Contributed by Atin Das - dasatinyahoo.co.in
- Founding Year
- 2004
- Related Link1
- Complexity Digest 2005.01